Cramping And Bloating A Week Before Period Severe Bloating Week Before Period Mild Cramping On Right Side Is This Just Regular PMS?

Severe bloating week before period mild cramping on right side is this just regular PMS? - cramping and bloating a week before period

My belly is swollen, that I am 3 months pregnant is very uncomfortable and was like 2 days now, I am 4 days before my time, but this appears more severe swelling after eating something. I also felt sick today, such as abdominal pain, nausea, morning sickness and pain on the right side of my abdomen.

It's just regular PMS?


Rubber Ducky said...

Here is a site that is able to answer most of your questions ...
a quote from his website
Symptoms of pregnancy "are known to often show 2-8 weeks after conception. Some women are fortunate to not deal with morning sickness at all, while others feel nausea throughout most of her pregnancy."

MrsSmith said...

It's probably PMS. Try to take Midol or equality. Be sure to exercise, even if you feel like shit Thid help with bloating and cramps. Best wishes!

Amber said...

As the tension? Not sure.
But everything seems under control.
Only the PMS.

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