Tonsillitis Mono How Long Will This Tonsillitis/stepp/mono Last?

How long will this tonsillitis/stepp/mono last? - tonsillitis mono

I went to the doctors 3 days ago I received an injection of antibiotics, because she can not (keep much food down so I take my medication for the pain) and my nausea medication c That's all they've got an idea left .. The last time that all? Ive never felt so terrible in my life.


Anonymous said...

So, no sedation? try to drink plenty of water (at least 3 drinks per hour) would help. Hot water, it would be better, like tea. focused so much on the sea in the belly, I swear that you are feeling better. and try to sleep, usually when you wake up, feel better. buried under blankets and television.

Anonymous said...

So, no sedation? try to drink plenty of water (at least 3 drinks per hour) would help. Hot water, it would be better, like tea. focused so much on the sea in the belly, I swear that you are feeling better. and try to sleep, usually when you wake up, feel better. buried under blankets and television.

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